Nutritional Yeast as a food supplement

How baker’s yeast becomes inactive and a valuable source of vitamins

Inactive nutritional yeast is increasing in popularity as a complementary food for cats. It is not the same as the block or powdered yeast bought to bake bread, but shares its high B vitamin content for healthy skin and fur and peptide to support the digestive system.

What is yeast?

Yeast is a collective term for types of fungus. The 1,500 different species of yeast recognized are all single-celled organisms with different features. The common use of the word yeast tends to refer to saccharomyces cerevisiae, also called baker’s or brewer’s yeast. Its key skill, when active, is to convert carbohydrates to carbon dioxide and alcohol. The carbon dioxide effect raises bread until the yeast is killed by the baking process. If the yeast runs out of oxygen to make carbon dioxide, the yeast will start fermenting and create alcohol, like in a sealed vat at the brewery.

Turning brewer’s yeast into nutritional yeast

The same heating process which kills the yeast while baking a loaf of bread will also kill the yeast when it is not mixed with flour, water and salt. Yeast which has been heated by itself is referred to as “inactive” and is often called “nutritional yeast”.

It doesn’t get the name “nutritional yeast” for nothing. Whether active or inactive, yeast is full of B vitamins including B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folate), and B12 (cobalamin). These vitamins are essential for various bodily functions, including metabolism, energy production, and the health of the nervous system. It also contains selenium and chromium and is a source of peptides and proteins.

Health benefits to cats of inactive yeast

Inactive brewer’s yeast has a strong umami flavor, which many cats (and humans) find appealing. It can therefore be a useful way to encourage a picky cat to eat nutrients it may need, even if just for a while. The B vitamins and other nutrients in inactive yeast contribute to healthy skin and coat and can help reduce shedding and improve the condition of fur. Some believe that it produces an odor which is thought to be unappetizing to fleas, so it could be a repellent. No promises on that one though!

For all its healthy properties, unlimited feeding of nutritional yeast to your cat can be detrimental to their health. It contains protein, hence calories, so will add to the cat’s caloric intake, which may be something you are trying to avoid. Over-feeding of vitamins and minerals also leads to an unbalanced diet, so again, dosage needs to be careful. Nutritional yeast is also a different kind of food for your cat, so at its first introduction could lead to digestive upsets. Even if your cat is very attracted to its flavor, ensure that they do not overeat this B-vitamin boost.

Important difference between nutritional yeast and active yeast

While sharing the benefits of nutritional yeast, it is important to remember that sometimes a little detail makes a big difference. Active yeast, which is used in baking and brewing, is highly toxic to all pets, including cats. When eaten it warms up, ferments, and expands, the way it does in bread and beer. Ethanol is a byproduct of the fermentation process, which puts your pet at risk of alcohol poisoning, and the expanding gases can cause harmful bloating. So before letting your cat eat yeast, make sure it is nutritional inactive yeast!

Simple and tasty supplement

Adding nutritional yeast to your cat’s diet, either temporarily while they are recovering or permanently to help manage their health can be a straightforward way to support them. Consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new supplement, including brewer’s yeast, into your cat’s diet. They can provide guidance on the appropriate dosage and ensure that the supplement is suitable for your cat’s individual health needs. We have included it in two of our 3coty® Support products, 96. Dental & Gum Support and 97. Digestive support.

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